Unintended and unwanted pregnancies remain a serious public health concern globally, with the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Asia regions disproportionately affected. Births following unwanted or unintended pregnancies are associated with adverse social and health outcomes for the mother and the child’s growth and development challenges. Most unintended pregnancies occur among adolescents and young women who have a high level of unmet modern contraceptive needs.


What we do

  • We work on delivering innovative approaches to eliminate the barriers to sexual reproductive health services.
  • We work closely with other stakeholders to promote the adoption of policies that enable universal access to contraceptives among all people who need them.
  • We offer youth-friendly services that are responsive to their sexual needs to ensure that they are no longer forgotten when it comes to sexual reproductive health services.
  • We commit to promote comprehensive and unrestricted access to evidence-based sexual reproductive health services and facilitating their access as a fundamental right.
  • Strengthening the supply of quality, equitable, accountable self-care sexual reproductive health products and services, working with all forms of providers to increase evidence-based quality self-care at scale
  • Strengthening the enabling environment to ensure that policy and regulation support evidence-based quality self-care at scale.
  • Partner with decision-makers to make sure contraception is available wherever it is desired
  • Strengthen health centres, satellite clinics, and community health workers, so more people in more places, have access to the contraceptive information and services they need
  • Connect communities and health systems to simplify access to services that are of the right quality.
  • Work with community stakeholders and other key players to eliminate all barriers, biases and misconceptions, limiting the utilization of contraceptives.