Health systems strengthening and health policy

Health systems improvement saves lives. Sentum scientific works with national and county governments to improve their systems capacity, leadership and governance in the running of their health systems. We focus on the pillars of the health system, helping the counties minimize barriers to the complexity of the health systems in service delivery.

We target to help formulate appropriate health financing mechanism, adoption of proper technologies and improvement of the health system governance to ensure equitable access to health care that is affordable and of high standards.

Water, hygiene and sanitation

Diarrheal infections associated with unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene remains a leading cause of preventable childhood morbidity and mortality and is associated with more than 500,000 deaths of children under one year. This problem is more rampant in Sub-Saharan Africa and is related to significant economic losses.

What we do

  • We do sanitation marketing to promote the use of improved and affordable sanitation systems.
  • We support our partners implement innovative WASH program, and help them scale up such programs.
  • We leverage our expertise and experiences to maximize the health impacts of WASH programs.
  • We collaborate with the private sector to come up with and scale up WASH businesses.
  • We help source for finance to develop sanitation systems in less developed regions.
  • We work with financial institutions to develop loan and grant products for sanitation and create demand for sanitation.

We also work in local villages identifying barriers to toilets use and developing behaviour change strategies to promote toilets use. We use human-centred design to innovate and develop culturally appropriate sanitation systems acceptable to al