Monitoring and evaluation services

Sentum Scientific solutions offers our clients programme design, monitoring and evaluation solutions encompassing complete programme cycles. We help our clients improve the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of their services, while providing accountability and insight. Our team has developed innovative methods to gain unprecedented access in sensitive and remote areas, gathering high quality data through tested and cultural-sensitive approaches.
We help our clients reduce financial waste by providing feedback rapidly and continuously to enable them make incorporate changes that will improve efficiency. We build on the success of our past work.
Sentum Scientific solutions helps clients integrate the programme design (or redesign) phase into the monitoring and evaluation cycle. Whilst monitoring is intended to provide decision-makers with continuous information about a programme’s status and development in relation to its goals and objectives, evaluations are reviews focused on understanding links of causality between project activities and observed changes. A continual design-evaluate-redesign loop is essential to effective programming, as environments change frequently and often dramatically, and donors adapt their resources and objectives to an ever-changing context.
Sentum solutions technical approach to designing, developing and implementing the monitoring and evaluation strategy is guided by its objective of collecting data that yields statistically reliable and valid results using the mixed methods approach. To that end, Sentum Scientific solutions will address critical components of survey methodology, including question formulation, subject privacy and confidentiality, subject solicitation, and pilot testing. In designing the monitoring and evaluation design, Sentum Scientific solutions will follow design guidelines, best practices and lessons learned that it has compiled through its review of current literature on evaluation design for entertainment –education and its previous experiences in evaluation design for entertainment –education.
Our expert staff and consultants can help organizations in development and execution of monitoring and evaluation tools that may include:
  • Performance indicators
  • The logical framework (logframe) approach
  • Theory-based evaluation
  • Formal surveys
  • Rapid appraisal methods
  • Participatory methods
  • Public expenditure tracking surveys
  • Impact evaluation
  • Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis