Children make up approximately 50% of the total population in developing countries and suffer from the highest mortality of any age group. Although mortality for children under 5 has reduced drastically in the last decade, there is still a lot to be done. Many deaths are still occurring from treatable and preventable illnesses such as pneumonia, diarrhea, HIV, malaria, malnutrition, measles, and neonatal complications.

Sentum partners with NGO’s to improve access to primary healthcare to all children, provides comprehensive medical care to HIV-infected and HIV-exposed children, and works to improve newborn services from the household up to the referral level.

What we do

  • Develop innovative approaches to promote access to healthcare before, during and after pregnancy hence eliminating preventable neonatal and maternal mortality.
  • Generate and make information accessible to every woman to ensure safe delivery and healthy growth of their children.
  • Conduct research to inform maternal health policies, programs and practices as both the local and international levels.
  • Transfer skills to the local health personnel on current practices and guidelines through training and seminars to ensure the right skills set are used in the delivery of maternal and child health services.