Food and nutrition

After many years in decline, hunger is on the rise again in almost all regions globally, and low-income countries in Africa and Asia continue to bear the most outstanding share of malnutrition. Undernutrition in children accounts for 45 per cent of all child deaths and contributes to the stunting of children. Additionally, obesity is on the rise, contributing to 4 million deaths globally. Agriculture has a vital role to play in improving nutrition. Through agriculture, we can increase access to healthy and nutritious food and ensure dietary diversity.

What we do

  • Develop innovative approaches to tackling under 5 malnutrition.
  • To improve nutritional outcomes, we use an integrated approach that addresses the many pathways that lead to undernutrition. We need multi-sectoral approaches that incorporate local nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions as well as social and behavior change.
  • Our objective is to enhance cognitive and physical development of children by reducing malnutrition and advancing dietary diversity in the first 1,000 days.
  • We work with farmers, food processors, healthcare providers, and policymakers — across agriculture and food security, water, sanitation, and hygiene, gender, and global health — to implement a diverse range of interventions that form our holistic and resilient model.
  • Our projects use various strategies to improve nutrition through their work, such as:
    • Nutrition education
    • Commercialization of nutritious food
    • Crop diversification
    • Food fortification